Hotel Mistral Sport

Voucher kwotowy refundacyjny

Voucher jest ważny 1 rok od daty przyjazdu pierwotnej rezerwacji.

After the payment of the entire amount, the Hotel Mistral Sport**** Voucher will be sent in an elegant form by post to the address indicated.The voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

1. In order to book a convenient date of stay, please contact the hotel reception - tel. +48 58 736 46 00.

2. In order to book SPA treatments, please contact the SPA reception - tel. +48 58 736 46 60.

3. The voucher must be presented at the reception desk at the time of check-in.

4. The voucher is valid only for the amount shown on the voucher.

5. Payment with a voucher is not combined with promotions and discounts as well as temporary offers.6. The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash.